Alexander Stoddart

Ok this opens up a whole can of worms as Sandy was not born in Paisley, but I’m sure he has a buddie inside him as his work is unquestionably Brilliant and has deserved worldwide acclaim.

The text I have used is kindly borrowed from Sandy Stoddarts website

Alexander Stoddart was born in 1959 in Edinburgh, attended the John Neilson School in Paisley, and entered the Glasgow School of Art in 1976. Graduated 1980 (BA Hons, 1st Class).

Post-graduate studies at the University of Glasgow 1980 to 1983.

Begins work as a sculptor in Paisley in 1983, working for private clients. Studio located in Fulbar Road (since demolished).

Moves to present studio in 1986. Commences the task of working on the heroic and colossal scales, and develops an aptitude for the forms of statuary, rather than those merely of sculpture. Makes long-term decision to work in the main for public purposes, and to become a monument-builder.

First architectural sculptures from 1989.

Begins the struggle to try to work for Paisley around 1990. Huge frustrations, despite wide public enthusiasm for the various ideas proposed.

Begins working as an architectural consultant in the mid 1990s. First historical publications. Writes extensively on the philosophy of aesthetics. Begins to broadcast regularly on radio and television. Increased journalistic work. Returns increasingly to musical composition (vocal and chamber-works) as a foil to visual production.

Awarded a University Doctorate (University of Paisley) in 1998.