Council Services
Council Tax: 0141 842 4422
Housing Repairs: 0141 842 4444 and 0141 889 5296
Roads and lighting faults: 0141 842 4466 and 0141 889 2314
Telephone Payments: 0141 842 4400
Council Text Phone: 0141 889 2735
Education and Leisure Services: 0141 842 5663
Environmental Services: 0141 840 3106
Finance and Corporate Services: 0141 842 5051
Housing and Property Services: 0141 842 5616
Planning and Transport: 0300 3000 144
Social Work: 0141 842 5957
Police Stations
All police departments please call 101 and you will be redirected to the correct department.
Royal Alexandra Hospital (RAH) : 0141 887 9111
Dykebar Hospital: 0141 884 9001 (NO A&E Facilities please use RAH)
Funeral Directors
Paisley: 0141 889 6321
Barrhead: 0141 880 8410
Johnstone: 01505320029
J & W Goudie: 01418895285
D. Moodie & Co: 01418404567
First Buses: 01414236600
First Scotrail: 01413554565
McGills: 08000 51 56 51
Traveline: 08712002233
Glasgow Airport: 0844 481 5555
Quick A-Z of Contacts
Age Concern: 08451259732
Alcoholics Anonymous: 08457697555
Alzheimer Scotland: 01312431453
Anti-Litter, Graffiti, fly-tipping Hotline: 01418897995
Anti Social Behaviour helpline: 08001691283
Breathing Space: 0800838587
Business Gateway: 08456096611
Brittish Red Cross: 08701707000
Cats Protection: 01418764133
ChildLine Scotland: 08001111
Crimestoppers: 0800555111
Cocaine Anonymous: 01419596363
Citizens Advice Bureau: 01418892121
Consumer and Trading Standards: 01418403184
Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400
Dial-A-Bus: 01413326811
Domestic Abuse Helpline: 08000271234
East Renfrewshire Council: 01415773000
Family Planning: 01419481179
FIRST Crisis: 0500829093
Gamblers Anonymous: 03700508881
Gas issues: 0800111999
Homeless Persons out-of-hours: 08001214466
Inclusion Scotland: 01418877090
NHS 24: 08454242424
NHS Greater Glasgow: 01412014444
Paisley Daily Express: 01418877911
Police Paisley: 01415325900
Police Barrhead: 01415325900
Police Johnstone: 01505404000
Police Renfrew: 01415326100
Rape Crisis Helpline: 01415523200
Renfrewshire Mental Health: 01410478900
Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce: 01418475450
Renfrewshire Council Tax: 0418424422
Renfrewshire Council Housing: 01418424444
Renfrewshire Council Libraries: 01418892360
Renfrewshire Council Social Work: 0800811505
Renfrewshire Alcohol Trust: 01418870880
Renfrewshire Neighbourhood Warden: 01418894399
Renfrewshire Aid: 01415617030
RAH: 01418879111
Samaritans: 01412484488
ScottishPower emergency power: 08452727999
ScottishPower Billing Enquiries: 08452727111
Scottish Hydro-Electric: 0800300999
SPCA: 08707377722
Shopmobility: 01418890441
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue: 01505331661
Victim Support: 01418870328
Water 24 Hour: 08456008855
Womens Aid: 08082000247