Report on The Bridge Project in Bridge of Wier taking over the running and management of a community facility.

Introduction The Bridge was set up with the involvement of Freeland, St. Machar’s and St. Mary’s Churches, Bridge of Weir Community Council, Tenants & Residents Association, The Festival Committee and other community groups. This group was set up when the community were informed that the Post Office was to shut and none of the existing businesses were able to take it on, and that their library had been selected by Renfrewshire Council to also close down. . The only way to maintain a post office in the village was for the local people the-bridgeto take it over and run one themselves. The Bridge committee approached Renfrewshire Council asking to lease the old Library building, to open a not-for profit post office and to use the other part as a community centre. The centre would provide such things as: – a shop selling ‘Fairtrade’ products, a book exchange, a drop-in centre for tea and coffee, a venue for temporary exhibitions of paintings and crafts, a centre for young people, a place where older residents can get together and facilities for mothers and younger children.

Future Development
As of November 2011 the Post office and a shop have reopened in their new location in the Bridge. The shop will sell greeting cards, stationary, fair trade goods, along with a book and DVD exchange. Future plans include a centre for young people, a location for a credit union and a drop-in tea/coffee centre, along with a parents and toddlers group. More ideas are being discussed but will rely on the take up from local people, and the people who volunteer their own time to run these activities.

Update on Cafe services.
The cafe is now fully up and running. Opening times are

  • Monday 9.00am to 5.00pm
  • Tuesday 1.00pm to 5.00pm
  • Wednesday 10.00am to 2.00pm
  • Thursday 10.00am to 2.00pm
  • Friday 1.00pm to 5.00pm
  • Saturday 9.00am to 1.00pm


At present the Bridge is also offering a ‘Hearing Aid Clinic’. At this you can get new batteries and ear mould tubing. Advice on how to use and clean hearing aids and information on hearing loss and all services that can help.
Some more services they are providing are: –
Selling gifts produced by local craft workers and hosting training for local people through the Alpha Course, which provides the opportunity for people wanting explore the meaning of life from a Christian perspective.


engage-renfrewshire10 Falcon Crescent
Ferguslie Park
Paisley, PA3 1NS

Telephone: 0141 887 7707 Fax: 0141 887 8808