Rainbow Turtle
Rainbow Turtle is a Paisley-based organisation working to reduce global poverty. They opened in 2002 with the aim to raise public awareness of fair trade and encourage more people to buy fairly traded products. Through fair trade, farmers and workers in the developing world are guaranteed better working conditions and a fair wage for their work, enabling them to trade their way out of poverty.
The organisation comprises two distinct but related areas of activity – a charity and a trading company.
Putting Fair Trade in the Spotlight
Through the Rainbow Turtle charity a lot of hard work goes into enhancing the profile of fair trade in the local area by giving educational talks to groups, organising special events and fundraisers, promoting Fairtrade Fortnight and directly supporting producers in developing countries by giving financial assistance towards the purchase of raw materials and equipment and providing markets for the goods they produce.
The charity also do a lot of campaigning, working with like-minded others to lobby local and national politicians with a view to achieving change in the system of world trade.
Offering You a Fairer Alternative
The trading company promotes fair trade in their shop located at 7 Gauze Street in Paisley, which is open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm. They offer an incredible range of fairly traded goods, from foodstuffs, clothing and jewellery to gifts, cards, stationery and a lot more. Many of the products are hand made by skilled artisan workers and every product can be bought knowing that its purchase is making a difference to the lives of the producers.
Rainbow Turtle’s trading company is also involved in such activities as supplying schools, offices and other places of work with fairly traded foodstuffs and crafts and providing organisations with stalls where these products can be sold on a sale or return basis.
Rainbow Turtle relies heavily on, and could not exist without, the support of a dedicated team of volunteers. Their shop is almost exclusively staffed by volunteers while a group of voluntary staff helps out at their Paisley warehouse.
If you’re interested in volunteering they’d like to hear from you. Visit their website (www.rainbowturtle.org.uk) for more information and an application form.
Further information:
0141 887 1881 (main office)
0141 849 1657 (Paisley shop)