Pace Theatre Company

Since being formed by David Wallace in 1988 PACE has grown to become one of the largest youth theatre companies in the UK, creating countless opportunities for local youths with a dramatic flair and putting on shows that have thrilled the public year after year.

Based in Paisley, PACE has worked with over 250,000 young people since its inception, including over 20,000 who have become members of PACE Youth Theatre. PACE runs over 1,750 youth theatre workshops every year and its productions perform annually to audiences of over 200,000.

There’s four sides to PACE:

PACE Theatre Company
PACE Youth Theatre
PACE Casting
PACE Media Productions

PACE Theatre Company

PACE are renowned for producing spectacular theatrical productions, in particular their much-loved and anticipated annual pantomime that they’ve put on every festive period since 1988 (see below for more details of this year’s show).
They’re also responsible for numerous other professional productions such as the Slab Boys Trilogy, commissioned and written original work and created several spectacular large-scale performances, including ‘Cradlesong’ for Renfrew’s 600 year anniversary.

PACE Youth Theatre

PACE Youth Theatre has become the largest and most successful youth theatre in the UK. Over 2000 young people attend their weekly workshops in drama, music and dance. As well as teaching performance skills, these workshops increase the confidence, communications skills and self expression of the participants. They’re a lot of fun, too. Past members include James McAvoy, Paulo Nutini and David Sneddon.
Workshops are run by fully trained full time staff and members also receive additional benefits such free casting agency representation for TV & Film work and discounts for events at ‘Fest!’ – their popular school holiday performing arts festival.

PACE Media Productions

PACE Media Productions was formed to provide a different medium for the dramatic work produced by PACE Theatre Company. It has produced educational dramas for clients such as Drinkwise, Scotland Against Drugs, Scottish Executive, NHS 24, West Dumbartonshire Council, and many others.

PACE Casting

This casting agency was set up to represent PACE’s youth theatre members in TV, film and advertising productions. It provides licensing and chaperoning services to production companies as well as audition facilities, and also produces an annual casting directory book, with over 1,000 professional photos and CV details, distributed to all major UK production companies.

PACE Website: