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September 14, 2021How much is a broken leg worth? If you’re asking this question, it means that you’ve likely had an accident where you got injured. Though people can get seriously injured in a slip and fall, public entities should maintain their property, so slip and falls on a wet surface do not happen. These accidents can happen at universities, schools, or public transit stations. Public entities have a responsibility to maintain their property. They should make sure that it is not slippery, so people do not slip and fall, resulting in serious injuries.
How the Slip and Falls Happen
Inadequately maintained property can give rise to an unsafe environment and cause a slip and fall accident. A few examples of dangerous conditions include torn carpeting with unprotected floors below, uneven flooring that poses tripping hazards when not adequately lit at night or during the daytime hours for those who wear glasses or contacts while walking through it without shoes on.
Additionally, debris is left on walkways such as fallen tree branches – especially if they block entry/exit points like doors or sidewalks where people would expect them. Wet floors after rainstorms because of poor drainage systems blocked by leaves from trees growing near gutters, etc. It builds up water pressure onto nearby properties’ entrances into their homes via either flooding basements.
To be considered a slip-and-fall accident, the injuries must fit specific parameters as defined by law. We place these premises liability cases under an umbrella of claims known colloquially as “slip and fall.” Premises liability handles any damages that occur when someone else becomes injured on their property.
Liability for Slip and Fall Cases
When a city government cannot maintain their sidewalks, they are liable for the injury resulting from someone tripping over it and falling onto the ground. Let’s say we use this example with concrete slabs on streets or pavement. The injured person and their lawyer must prove that the government was negligent by establishing four elements.
The first element is the duty of care, which means a reasonable person in similar circumstances would take steps to avoid causing harm. The second element is breach or violation of one’s legal obligation; this gets proven if there are specific rules for the situation under consideration and those rules get broken. Third, causation—an act caused an injury so that they might hold someone other than the plaintiff responsible.
For instance, a doctor who cannot diagnose cancer may owe money damages and face charges like manslaughter or medical malpractice because he failed his patient on such responsibility. Finally, proof of damage establishes whether any loss was incurred.
Government and Private Claims
Negotiating settlements or fighting the case in court requires you to prove the governments’ negligence. The injured and their legal representatives must prove four significant elements: duty, breach of duty, causation (proximate cause), and damages. When filing a claim, you need to include your name and address and the incident date. It would help to describe what happened, including who was involved and how it all occurred. Finally, add on an amount that could get compensated for if appropriate, so there is no loss of opportunity later down the road when trying to receive money from this accident.