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July 28, 20197 Fun and Useful Projects For Your 3D Printer
July 28, 2019Rotary swaging is a process often used when manufacturing medical devices and equipment, which by its very nature needs to be extremely precise. Unfortunately, sometimes swaging and crimping, two ‘similar’ processes, are used interchangeably, but the results can be extremely different. Crimping applies force perhaps one or two times while swaging, to achieve that smooth, conical shape, applies force many times over in short bursts. Force can be applied up to 1,000 times!
So, what are the benefits of rotary swaging over processes such as crimping? To get a better idea, let’s look at the medical industry and you’ll have a better understanding of just how important swaging machines are to a machine shop seeking contracts manufacturing such things as stents and catheters.
1. Time and Material Efficient
Swaging takes considerably less time than cutting in the manufacturing process. Also, because of the precision in which materials are formed into shape, there is a reduction in waste. This is important in two major areas, profitability and quality. Obviously, less waste equals higher profitability but with a precision process such as rotary swaging, the end result is a smoother, higher quality conical object which is, as mentioned, extremely important especially within industries such as the medical or scientific arenas.
2. Efficiency and Fewer Steps in Production
Most swaging machines are highly efficient as they are front loads and rear exits for pieces being formed. Also, due to the fact that both the interior and exterior of the piece are being shaped and formed at the very same time, there are fewer steps involved. Yes, this also equates to time efficiency, but it also requires fewer machines to achieve an end result even better than if other dies and cutting equipment were involved.
3. No Heat or Material Restrictions
Swaging can be used as a process for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Therefore, whether the piece is to be aluminum, stainless steel or even steel alloys, swaging is possible. While some processes demand specific temperatures, swaging can be accomplished without temperature restrictions. It can be either a hot or cold process, which also makes a difference when working with several different materials over the course of a single day.
4. A Bio-Friendly (Green) Process
It is also important to note that lubricants are not needed during the cooling process because this is accomplished within a closed cycle. That is to say if lubricants are needed when working with specific materials. This, in effect, reduces the use of one chemical product which could pose a threat to the ecology. In today’s thrust to meet Green Standards, this is huge.
So, there you have four benefits of rotary swaging over crimping, for example. It is important to reiterate that the finished product, when swaged, is smoother and more precise than when formed in other processes within a machine shop. Here you will understand why swaging is often the process of choice, especially when manufacturing medical equipment and devices, and why every respectable machine shop should use quality machines. Whether new or pre-owned, rotary swaging machines are an absolute must for your shop.