Armed Forces Day flag-raising ceremony
June 17, 2010AgeFest 2011
June 17, 2010
Just a quick note to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who has supported the Paisley Film Society. It’s been a great year so far, and as we near the end of our first season at the Paisley Arts Centre, its time to look back over whats been a great few months. And it wouldn’t have happened without you! So thank you!!
At the start of June we applied for funding from Regional Screen Scotland to help us run a February Film Fiesta, but unfortunately we have not been lucky with that funding bid. However . . . fear not! Our next port of call shall be the Lottery, and hopefully we will be able to get enough money to run a fantastic week long programme of films and workshops for all.
Our final two films are Persepolis (screening tonight, as part of Refugee Week) and Dirty Dancing (Tuesay 29th June).
We will be taking a break over the summer, but looking ahead to Autumn Winter, our schedule of films has been confirmed. Basic details are on our the front page of website ( Do go and have a look (scroll down to the bottom of the home page).
Thanks again for all your support so far – do continue to support your local film club and we’ll take it from strength to strength.
All the best