Sixty Years, Six Lives exhibition at Paisley Museum opens with guest speakers Joe Brady, (Head of Integration at Scottish Refugee Council) and Jimmy Muyanja from Renfrewshire […]
Paolo Giovanni Nutini (born 9 January, 1987) is a Scottish singer, songwriter and musician from Paisley. Both his parents are Scottish, although his mother and father […]
A week-long series of events is being held by Renfrewshire Council to raise awareness about the help and support available to people with learning disabilities. Learning […]
Renfrewshire Council is set to honour service people who have died for their country in wars since 1945 by revealing a memorial stone at council HQ […]
The 34th Renfrewshire Chamber annual golf competition was another great success, with just under 50 golfers taking part at Erskine Golf Club on Friday 8th June. […]
Descendant of Scotland’s ‘Weaver Poet’ found by twitter. A tweet about Robert Tannahill was the catalyst that helped a woman living in south-east England to learn […]