Plans to move Paisley Grammar School to a new-build community campus on the town’s Renfrew Road has been approved by councillors. At the recent Education and […]
Viewers of Paisley & District U3A’s 4 February online meeting at 2pm are invited to join renowned Scottish oral storyteller, Anne Pitcher. They’ll leave the cares […]
TEENAGER Niamh Junner is a real-life karate kid after being ranked the world’s number one in her class. Niamh is a member of the highly-respected Shitokai […]
AGS Airports, which owns and manages Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports, is to lead a consortium that will develop and trial what will be the UK’s […]
In 1880, Benjamin Disraeli famously said “Keep your eye on Paisley!” Paisley has a long history of radicalism, of finding strength in facing up to and overcoming adversity […]
A proposal to move Paisley Grammar School to a new-build community campus on the town’s Renfrew Road is going before councillors for approval next week. Renfrewshire […]
Youngsters were encouraged to muck about during their last few days at school before the holidays. Although Covid-19 put paid to their annual Christmas party, pupils […]