Establishing a set of eco-friendly criteria is becoming more of an important consideration for businesses across the country. This is a benefit in terms of the environment, and it is also a way of generating more business. Consumers are looking to use companies that are more eco-aware, so spending money on eco-friendly features can actually generate greater profits. As a country, Scotland needs to focus more on being eco-friendly, even down to a local level in Paisley.


Eco-friendly benefits


Being more environmentally friendly can be of benefit to many areas of a business. It enables you to make energy savings, which can reduce the impact you have on the environment, as well as helping to lower your bills. Cutting down the amount of energy you use as a business could be as simple as having a policy of switching off appliances when they’re not in use. You could also look to install renewable sources of energy, such as wind turbines and solar panels.


Often, smaller businesses see being environmentally friendly as an expensive exercise and can discount it before they’ve even researched it thoroughly. However, many businesses that have an eco-friendly policy are actually performing well financially – sometimes even better than those businesses that have chosen to ignore environmental criteria. A business that is more environmentally aware can often attract more customers than companies that are not. This can then increase sales and overall profits.


One of the global businesses that is very much aware of environmental issues and puts them into practice is M1 Group. Beirut-based M1 Group has a key objective of sustainability and generates high levels of energy efficiency in its buildings. It uses state-of-the-art technology that achieves energy savings and features sustainable elements.


An eco-friendly Scotland


Turning your business into a more environmentally friendly company would be beneficial for the whole of Scotland. By causing less damage to the environment, even on a personal and local level, it would create a more pleasant environment for everybody to enjoy.


The Scottish Government wants to develop more sustainable ways of working for businesses of all sizes. They have a vision of a vibrant and low-carbon economy, which would see Scotland at the centre of green businesses.


As part of this environmental policy, the Government wants to support local businesses in their quest to develop more eco-friendly practices. This includes the financial support to allow them to put their own sustainable policies into operation. If you’re a business in Scotland that is looking for financial assistance to help grow your company in any way, then there are a range of options available to you. This includes Regional Selective Assistance, which provides funds for companies in certain areas of Scotland where the project creates or maintains jobs.


Generating more eco-friendly businesses across Scotland, and in Paisley itself, would benefit the whole local and regional economy. It would attract more customers to Scottish-based businesses, enabling companies to expand, generate jobs and boost profits and wages.


Founder of in 1998 and constantly strives to change peoples attitudes to the town, Brian is a self described Paisley Digital Champion who promotes Paisley via any means necessary. You can also follow me on X