Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders to receive Freedom of Renfrewshire
June 14, 2011Ferguslie Park Avenue
June 19, 2011Hundreds of school pupils in Renfrewshire have taken part in a project to raise their awareness of the dangers of alcohol misuse.
The Young Persons Alcohol Project is an annual event aimed at second year pupils from all Renfrewshire’s secondary schools.
The project aims to engage with young people to promote and protect their mential, social, emotional and physical well-being.
All the pupils taking part are involved in a series of workshops including PACE Theatre Group’s production ‘Take a Drink’ highlighting the consequences of alcohol misuse among young people.
The project is run by Renfrewshire Council’s ASIST team in partnership with Strathclyde Police, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue, Renfrewshire Council for Alcohol, and Pace Theatre Company.
Trinity High School in Renfrew hosted a VIP session of the project which invited senior council officials and elected members, representatives from Strathclyde Police and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue to join pupils in order to see how the project works.
Renfrewshire Council Leader Brian Lawson said: “The Young Persons Alcohol Project gets young people thinking about the consequences of drinking by presenting them with real-life scenarios which they can really relate to. As well as information and advice, the different workshops and presentations give the pupils practical experience to help them make safer choices when it comes to alcohol.”