The Linwood Line Newsletter
July 17, 2009Paisley Author’s New Book, I Forgive You, Daddy
July 29, 2009BUDDIES are being asked to help fund a film that will tell the story of Paisley’s worst-ever loss of life.
December 31 is the 80th anniversary of the Glen Cinema Disaster in which 71 young lives were lost.
Now, the Paisley Development Trust is working with Paul Mothersole, director of the Glen Cinema exhibition, which was staged five years ago, to make a DVD that aims to be a lasting memorial to the dead.
A total of £1,500 is needed to bring the project about and, so far, just £300 has been raised.
Piero Pieraccini, of the Paisley Development Trust, said: “Production costs are running at £150 per day and full use has been made of the available resources.
“We are running out of cash to complete filming and to print the film. There are about 10 days of work needed to finalise it and make it ready for a final viewing.
“In short what we desperately require is £1,500.
“We have approached the usual funding bodies but with no positive response.”
Mr Pieraccini, who is well-known as the boss of Paisley watering hole Hamishes Hoose, is appealing to businesses and individuals to consider donating cash, no matter how little, to the project.
“Even a small amount from individuals would be helpful,” he said.
“There is a lot of footage of survivors from the original exhibition that has never been seen and we would want to include that in the DVD.
“It would be on sale to the public but we would also distribute it to schools so that kids can see what happens. We want to keep it fresh in people’s minds.”
It was on Hogmanay 1929 that excited youngsters packed into the Glen Cinema, at Paisley Cross.
Smoke was detected, there was a shout of “Fire!” and a crush ensued in which more than 70 children died.
Buddies have never forgotten what happened to this day.
A plaque commemorates the disaster at the site of the cinema, which is now a furniture store.
Mr Pieraccini, right, spoke directly to Buddies: “If you can assist in helping us find the balance or would like to make a contribution to our costs, your help would not only be very much appreciated by us but by the whole of Renfrewshire.”
Anyone wishing to pledge cash can do so by emailing or by sending a cheque, made out to the trust, care of Renfrewshire Council for Voluntary Service, 27 Clark Street, Paisley.