Paisley Thread Mill Museum.

Following a recent award from the Weir Trust, we are now open all year around on Wednesday and Saturdays from 12-4pm.  Visitors can be taken around the museum’s displays by one of our volunteer guides, some of whom are former mill workers and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee.

We currently run a stitching group on the days we are open to stitch two panels about Paisley for the Scottish Diaspora project, designed to celebrate the Scottish influence around the world as part of the 2014 Year of Homecoming

New volunteers are always welcome, especially if you have a personal connection to the Mills or practicals skills that can help us maintain the museum and our displays.   If anyone is interested in volunteering, please drop in when we are open or contact us via our website, Facebook or twitter.




Founder of in 1998 and constantly strives to change peoples attitudes to the town, Brian is a self described Paisley Digital Champion who promotes Paisley via any means necessary. You can also follow me on X